Saturday, October 10, 2009

Keep on going !!

Sep.24, 2009
We went all the way to Sydney, Australia and stayed only
one night. We jumped on the plane and it was same crew.

Back to the U.S.A….
We went to the Hollywood and then to Las Vegas.
Julia and Suzy stuck there…
Not because of the plane were full from LAS…
they simply stuck in a casino.
That was the end of a big travel for them.

Sep.25th 2009

Myself kept on going.
I spent a night in Las Vegas and took a flight to ATL
next early morning.

My next destination was Quito, Ecuador.
I didn’t expect this but Quito ended up as my favorite
place of this traveling contest.

Everything were so unbelievably inexpensive there.
Hotel taxi could be chartered with 10 U.S.D. per hour!!
You can eat nice dinner with 3 U.S.D.
I speak Spanish as well and that makes it even better.
I am sure that I will soon go back for a pleasure trip,
possible many times.

Sep.26th, 2009

Then I took a Copa flight to Panama City.
Off cause… only spent one night there.
Things were expansive there. TAXI driver said Panama has the highest
minimum wage of all Latin Americas.
My hotel again had a Casino. I quit serious gambling about 5 years ago.
So, I only played little bit of Poker machine.


From Panama City I went back to my home in Texas.
I have been working in DTW for almost two years but my home and family are still near the DFW.
One thing happens here.
I went home and start feeling like traveling after one hour.
I am traveholic or what am I ?
I U-turned to DFW and took a flight to Guatemala City.

There were no more TukTuk in Guatemala City…but I went to
a town where those things still exist.

I have been working since I came back from there and I had
one week ACS training this week.

I am ready to travel again.
Julia and I are going to JNB if we get on the flight.

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